The grand Master of Prince Hall Mason, under the leadership of Past Grand Master Amos T. Hall, President, no doubt looked far ahead of time, when they selected the name "Order of the Knights of Pythagoras" instead of the "Chivalric Order of the Knight Companions" during their Annual Conference of Grand Masters on May 8 – 10, 1951 in the city of Denver, Colorado.
Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher and a mathematician, lived about 2,500 years ago. He worked in the fields of music and geometry. Pythagoras formed a religious society and wrote a general account of the world.
As a philosopher, he taught that numbers were the essence of all things. Pythagoras associated numbers with various colors and ideas. He is known for the "Pythagorean Theory." In any right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse equals the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides (C2=A2+B2).
Past Grand Master P.G. Porter of Kansas was elected the Supreme Master Knight of the International Supreme Council of the Order of the Knights of Pythagoras, August 17, 1958, at the National Supreme Council of Order of the Knights of Pythagoras in Chicago, Illinois. Grand Masters and representatives of twenty (20) Prince Hall Masonic Jurisdictions worked untiringly in promoting this Order. Operating under the name of Pythagoras, the name given and adopted by the Masonic and religious thinkers, offers a challenge to both the youth and the Masonic youth leaders who are striving for high attainment.
Today there are forty (40) Prince Hall Jurisdictions Orders of the Knights of Pythagoras under the umbrella of the Conference of Grand Masters, Prince Hall Masons.
In 1958, Past Grand Master Clark S. Brown, under his leadership and devotions instituted the North Carolina Council Order of the Knights of Pythagoras with Brother B. N. Cook of Winston-Salem, as the first Grand Knight Director. The first Council organized was the J. H. Young Memorial Council #1. After a few years, the North Carolina Order of Knights of Pythagoras became inactive.
In 1975, late Past Grand Master Herbert Bell Shaw re-instituted the North Carolina Council Order of the Knights of Pythagoras under the leadership of Brother Joseph L. Pillow, the second Grand Knight Director. The first Assemblage of the North Carolina Council Order of the Knights of Pythagoras was held in Fayetteville, North Carolina at the Grand Lodge Communications in 1976. Silver Square Council #1 was chartered July 10, 1975. The Councils began to increase though we were not affiliated with the National Supreme Council.
Brother Joseph L. Pillow resigned at the Grand Lodge Communications in 1983, after having served for eight (8) years.
Past Grand Master William A. Clement, in 1983, appointed Brother Alexander Graves, Jr. to the position of Grand Knight Director for the North Carolina Council Order of the Knights of Pythagoras for the North Carolina Supreme Council – the position that he now holds.
In 1988, the North Carolina Council Order of the Knights of Pythagoras and the North Carolina Gleaners held their first joint Assemblage at North Carolina Central University in Durham, North Carolina, authorized by Grand Master William C. Parker, Jr. and Past Grand Matron Margaret Minor. Since that time, the joint Assemblage has grown to over 800 attendees. The North Carolina Supreme Council has issued charters for over 100 Councils.
In 2003, Grand Master Milton F. "Toby" Fitch, Jr. appointed Ervin Farmer, Jr. and Elijah Bazemore as Grand Knight Directors of the North Carolina Council of Knights Of Pythagoras. Ervin Farmer, Jr. was appointed Grand Knight Director over the Eastern and Coastal Regions and Elijah Bazemore was appointed Grand Knight Director over the Piedmont and Coastal Regions.
To date 10 new Council have been chartered under their leadership. Assemblages continued to grow. Dynamics of the Assemblage changed. Grand Master encouraged the start of a carnival on Friday night for the youth ages 8 – 12. It was a big success.